
Bliss by Milady A

A Sweet Sunday Reverie: An Ode to Bakery Bliss and Self-Care

Published 9 months ago • 2 min read

A Sweet Sunday Reverie: An Ode to Bakery Bliss and Self-Care

Happy Sunday morning Reader,

As another weekend waltzes away, I feel that familiar flutter in my heart signaling Monday is hot on its heels. It seems our carefree summer days have vanished as swiftly as bees flitting between blossoms.

So on this late August Sunday, I implore you: let work and worries fade for a sunshiny day of bakery indulgences and soulful me-time. Join me in dancing to the sweet song of self-care.

When the turmoil of life strikes a gloomy chord, my favorite melody is wandering to a local patisserie and indulging in something decadent.

As I step inside and inhale the heavenly scents, I am instantly transported to a world of childlike wonder.

My Bakery Nirvana

Here in Belgium, my blissful haunts include Les Tartes de Françoise, where each glistening fruit pie beckons. I adore their banoffee, with velveteen banana playing counterpoint to caramel's nostalgic song.

Le Pain Quotidien charms with jewel-colored tarts, while Wittamer seduces with luxurious chocolate symphonies.

But perhaps you have your own bakery muses? I hope you are similarly blessed with such havens nearby.

Primping as Prelude

I'll bathe leisurely before applying a swipe of blush to my cheekbones and a spritz of Hermès to my wrists, elevating the occasion. My favorite heels click-clack down the street as I sashay inside to claim my treat.

Today I may choose something decadent - a towering Sacher torte or millefeuille bursting with fruit and cream. Calorie counting can kindly wait for Monday! I wash it down with tea in a delicate cup, pinky raised in small defiance.

Disconnecting to Connect

My phone slumbers silently as I honor this salve for the soul. I welcome inspiration as I gaze out the window, letting creativity saunter in on beams of sunlight. With each indulgent bite, I feel lightness dancing through my veins once more.

Living Your Sweetest Life

You may complement your patisserie pilgrimage with a stroll around a new neighborhood, writing in a cafe, museum meandering - whatever energizes your spirit.

However you spend this Sunday, know that you absolutely deserve this balance of bliss.

Tell me your favorite local pleasures by replying to this e-mail or via social media!

For now, I wish you a sun-drenched day dripping with sweetness.

Let Monday's melody remain a distant refrain as you dance through today.

With Love and Bliss,

Milady A

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Bliss by Milady A

Pursuing Happiness, Indulging Senses & Unleashing Creativity

Permit me to be your navigator on the enchanting journey to Full Bloom Living. This isn’t merely a haven of joy, indulgence, and luxury. It’s an anthem to the authentic self, a celebration of expressive individuality, unmarred by the fear of judgment.

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