
Bliss by Milady A

Autumn’s Dreamy Lanterns

Published 8 months ago • 1 min read

Autumn’s Dreamy Lanterns

Happy Monday, Reader,

As amber leaves descend in autumn's bittersweet dance, creation is a balm for the melancholy some feel as nature withdraws into quietude.

Rather than mourning summer’s faded glory, let us celebrate the fleeting beauty spread before us.

Why not collage the season’s splendor into lanterns to illuminate the lengthening nights?

On brisk afternoon walks, gather fallen treasures - crimson maple, sunshine birch, rust-orange oak.

At home, gently press between books to immortalize their splendor.

Then, as the sun sinks low, reawaken their flame by transforming recycled jars into vessels of wonder... collage leaves on the outside in patterns like stained glass.

Coat them with mod podge until they gleam, crystals drying clear.

Add hooks for hanging, placing candles within.

As dusk settles, glow brings the lanterns alive.

Hang these jars filled with autumn's fleeting beauty around your home.

Watch them glimmer in windows, capturing fading embers of sun like bottled fireflies.

They'll illuminate the sill with nature's translucent dreamscapes - gentle reminders of seasonal renewal.

Let the leaf lanterns be beacons on nights spent cradled in nature's beauty.

Remember - wonder works its craftsmanship in quiet ways.

With Love and Bliss,

Milady A

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Bliss by Milady A

Pursuing Happiness, Indulging Senses & Unleashing Creativity

Permit me to be your navigator on the enchanting journey to Full Bloom Living. This isn’t merely a haven of joy, indulgence, and luxury. It’s an anthem to the authentic self, a celebration of expressive individuality, unmarred by the fear of judgment.

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