
Bliss by Milady A

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Published 9 months ago • 1 min read

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Wonderful morning Reader,

Is there an activity you've admired others doing but never dared try yourself?

This summer, I encourage you to finally challenge your comfort zone and embrace that new adventure.

Learning a new sport is incredibly rewarding.

You get to immerse yourself in the thrill of unfamiliar movements and incremental wins. With an open mindset, "failure" simply becomes feedback for growth.

Picture yourself diving into the world of...

Kayaking - skimming across the water, taking in lakeside views

Bouldering - testing your power and problem-solving climbing stone walls

Pickleball - getting hooked on this paddle sport filled with fun rallies

Frisbee golf - tossing discs across parks, nature spots and courses

Stand-up paddleboarding - finding your balance gliding across the water

Croquet - trying a vintage sport with strategy, competition & leisure

Feeling beginner's joy and incremental progress reminds us it's never too late for self-expansion.

Consider what types of movement or competition intrigue you but seem intimidating. Tune into these interests - they are clues guiding you toward more fulfilling living.

We fall into habitual ruts so easily.

But the childlike wonder of trying something new reignites inner fire.

Approach your new activity with patience and openness.

Let go of ego.

Tune into your body's wisdom.

Embrace the journey, not the destination.

With consistent practice, skills will grow.

What we accomplish matters less than who we become through showing up courageously.

Adventure awaits - are you ready to grow?

With Love and Bliss,

Milady A

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Bliss by Milady A

Pursuing Happiness, Indulging Senses & Unleashing Creativity

Permit me to be your navigator on the enchanting journey to Full Bloom Living. This isn’t merely a haven of joy, indulgence, and luxury. It’s an anthem to the authentic self, a celebration of expressive individuality, unmarred by the fear of judgment.

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